Aca esta la lista, perdon por la demora. Si queres alguno pedime que lo subo en enlace ed2k.

Animal Crossing

Batman Dark Tomorrow

Batman Begins

Call of Duty 2 Big Red One

Capcom vs SNK 2

Darkened Skye

DBZ Budokai 2

DBZ Sagas

Etermal Darkness

Fifa Street 2

Fire Emblem: Path of the Radiance

F-Zero GX

Final Fantasy Cristal Chronicles

Fight Night Round 2

Ghost Recon 2

Ice Age 2


Killer 7

Luigi´s Mansion

Mario Party 7

Marvel Nemesis - Rise of the Imperfects

Mario Smash Football

Mario Kart

Megaman X Collection

Metroid Prime 2

Metal Gear Solid - Twin Snakes

Mortal Kombat Deception

Nba Live 06

Nba Street V3


Over the hedge

Paper Mario

Pikmin 2

Prince of Persia Sands of Time

Prince of Persia Warrior Within

Prince of Persia The Two Thrones

Pokemon Colloseum

Pokemon XD

Resident Evil Zero

Resident Evil 3

Resident Evil 4

Second Sight

Shadow the Hedgehog

Super Mario Sunshine

Star Wars = Rogue Leader

StarFox Assault

Soul Calibur 2

Tomb Raider Legend

Simpsons Hit ¡ Run

LOTR = The Third Age

Viewtiful Joe

Viewtiful Joe 2

X men 3

Zelda Twilight Princess