[Ayuda] Chat en portal PHP


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  1. #1
    Fecha de Ingreso
    04 nov, 06
    República de Lanús
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    Predeterminado [Ayuda] Chat en portal PHP

    Hola estoy trantando de insertar un chat en una página con sistema php...

    Tengo el sistema de chat es el ajax...

    Como hago para insertarlo en la página principal del portal...

    El estilo del foro, es como el nuestro de aca de vgroup...

    Para que se den una idea quiero hacer algo así como tiene tc urbano en su foro: http://www.tcurbanoweb.com.ar/forum/index.php

    Pero al final...

    Seguro tengo que ponerle alguna instrucción al main.php, sabés cual ?

    Espero puedan ayudarme...


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  2. #2
    *nix powered Mod Avatar de caudio
    Fecha de Ingreso
    17 feb, 06
    Cordoba, Argentina


    si me pasas el link al chatroom que queres usar me fijo que instrucciones necesita.. (Ajax no es el chatroom.. es la tecnologia que usa..)
    __________________________________________________ _______
    En la caja ponia: Requiere Windows XP o superior... por eso instale Linux.

  3. #3
    Fecha de Ingreso
    04 nov, 06
    República de Lanús


    gracias caudio...

    mira el link del chat es este http://www.torosite.com.ar/chat/

    y lo queremos poner en el main de www.torosite.com.ar/foro

    o sino si sabes de alguno más pequeño para insertar bienvenido sea...


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  4. #4
    *nix powered Mod Avatar de caudio
    Fecha de Ingreso
    17 feb, 06
    Cordoba, Argentina


    Sabes Ingles? aca estan las instrucciones para integrarlo a tu foro que esta en phpBB 2..

    //                                                           //
    //     X7 Chat Installation Instructions - Version 2.0.0     //
    //                                                           //
    *****  Contents *****
    	1) Requirements
    	2) Pre-Install
    	3) Installation Instructions
    	4) Post-Install
    ***  Requirements ***
    	It is recommend that you use an FTP client for uploading and changing
    	permissions on files and directories.  For assistance in obtaining and
    	using an FTP client please visit http://help.x7chat.com.
    	X7 Chat requires that you have a properly configured HTTP server which
    	supports PHP Version 4.2.2* or higher.  X7 Chat also requires some type 
    	of database server.  X7 Chat provides built in support for the following
    	database servers:
    		- MySql 3.23.54* or higher;
    	Additional modules may be available at http://x7chat.com that will allow
    	you to use different database servers.  Instructions for installing 
    	these should come with them.
    	If you are unable to find a module for your database, you may also 
    	program your own  database module for X7 Chat to use.  Intermediate to 
    	advanced knowledge of PHP is required to do this.  Support is not 
    	provided, but documentation is available at http://help.x7chat.com under
    	the developer section.
    	* X7 Chat may function properly with some lower versions but Tech 
    	  Support will not be provided to people who do not meet these system 
    ***  Pre-Install ****
    	X7 Chat will automatically detect PhpBB2 and configure itself to use the same
    	database as PhpBB2.  If you are an experienced user you may configure X7 Chat to
    	use a different database during installation.  Creating a database beforehand
    	is not necessary.
    ***  Installation ***
    	Follow these steps to install X7 Chat:
    		Step 1) Upload all of the files and directories included with this 
    		download to your webserver.  You should put them in a new directory
    		on your server named something appropriate like "chat".  This new
    		directory *MUST* be directly inside the PhpBB2 directory.  After uploading
    		you need to be able to access the chat room by going to 
    		http://yoursite.com/phpbb2directory/...ry/install.php.  Everything
    		should be uploaded in BINARY mode**.
    		WARNING: If you do not create a new directory to upload the X7 Chat files to
    		you will overwrite your PhpBB2 and your board WILL NOT FUNCTION.  We are not
    		responsible for damage to your board if you overwrite the PhpBB2 files
    		with the X7 Chat files.
    		Step 2) CHMOD 777* the following files and directorys:
    					- /logs/
    					- /mods/
    					- /uploads/
    					- /config.php
    		Step 3) Visit http://yourwebsite.com/phpbb2directo...ry/install.php.
    		Of course you must replace "yourwebsite.com" with the actual address of
    		your site, "/phpbb2directory" with the actual path to your board
    		and "/x7chatdirectory" with the actual path to the directory that you 
    		uploaded X7 Chat to.  The install.php file will guide you through the 
    		rest of the installation process.  While running the installation file it
    		will automatically configure itself to integrate with PhpBB2, leave the
    		default settings on step 1 in order for this integration to work properly.
    		Step 4) Follow these directions if you would like to add a link to the chat
    		room on your PhpBB2.
    			1. Open the PhpBB2 file /templates/subSilver/overall_header.tpl
    			2. Find:
    			3. Replace with
    			4. In the code that you just added, find
    			5. and change chat to the name of the directory that you put X7 Chat in.  (Leave the ./)
    			6. Upload the file icon_mini_chat.gif (included with X7 Chat in the install.phpbb2 directory)
    				into the directory /templates/subSilver/images/ on your server.  Don't forget to 
    				reupload the overall_header.tpl file to your server.
    		Step 5) If you would like to display the number of users in the chat room
    		next to the chat link on your PhpBB2, please follow the instructions in this
    			1. Open the PhpBB2 file /templates/subSilver/overall_header.tpl
    			2. Find:
    			3. Replace with
    			4. In the code that you just added, find
    			5. and change chat to the name of the directory that you put X7 Chat in.  (Leave the ./)
    			6. Don't forget to reupload the overall_header.tpl file to your server.
    			Note: The counter may not work on all servers, if it does not function correctly change
    			the code back to the way it was before starting Step 6.
    		Assistance) If you need assistance with these instructions please
    		visit http://help.x7chat.com.
    		* If using a Windows server then the file needs to be made
    		writeable by everyone.  After installation set the file so it is
    		no longer writeable to everyone.
    		** This is usually the default setting for FTP programs.  If you don't
    		know how to change it then chances are its already on BINARY.  Images and 
    		sound files that are included with X7 Chat will not work unless they
    		are uploaded in BINARY mode.
    ***  Post-Install ***
    	After installation you MUST deleted the install.php file.  If you do not
    	anybody can get administrator access.
    	For added security you may change the permissions on config.php to their
    	former values.
    __________________________________________________ _______
    En la caja ponia: Requiere Windows XP o superior... por eso instale Linux.

  5. #5
    Fecha de Ingreso
    04 nov, 06
    República de Lanús


    Caudio disculpame me equivoque el link

    el chat que vale es este: http://www.torosite.com.ar/foro/chat/

    Y el foro lo acabamos de actualizar a php3


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  6. #6
    *nix powered Mod Avatar de caudio
    Fecha de Ingreso
    17 feb, 06
    Cordoba, Argentina


    Por lo que veo hay una version para integrarse al phpbb3 ...


    y las instrucciones son bastante simples..

    1.	Upload to the server
    	Upload the chat folder to your server into your phpBB3 forum directory:
    	e.g. http://example.org/phpBB3/chat/
    2.	Creation of database tables
    	Execute the provided installation script by visiting the following URL with your browser:
    	Replace "http://example.org/phpBB3/chat/" with the real URL to your chat directory.
    3.	Delete the installation script
    	Delete the file install.php from the chat directory on your server.
    Ready! Just place a link to the chat directory on your forum. :)
    __________________________________________________ _______
    En la caja ponia: Requiere Windows XP o superior... por eso instale Linux.

  7. #7
    Fecha de Ingreso
    04 nov, 06
    República de Lanús



    El chat ya lo tenemos instalado...

    Lo que estamos queriendo hacer es insertarlo en el main, osea, que se vean en la misma pantalla y no recurrir a otroa ventana...

    Que sea como un marco digamos...

    Algo como este: http://www.tcurbanoweb.com.ar/forum/index.php

    pero con el chat que tenemos instalado, y que no aparezca arriba, sino abajo o en el medio en todo caso...


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  8. #8
    Soy Un Tipo Colgado! Avatar de Orphen
    Fecha de Ingreso
    03 may, 06


    en lo unico q te puedo ayudar es en lo siguiente: busca algun foro similar al tuyo en la web q ya lo tenga hecho asi, y fijate en el codigo fuente... no sepo mas nada xD

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