
El navegador Firefox es pequeño, rápido y muy fácil de usar y te ofrece muchas más ventajas que los otros navegadores web, como la capacidad de bloquear las ventanas emergentes o la navegación por pestañas.

*Algunas Características:

Navegación más facil
Alto rendimiento
Seguridad avanzada
Potente personalización
A la vanguardia
Acceso universal

Sistemas Operativos:
Windows XP SP2
Windows Server 2003 SP1
Windows Vista
Windows 7
Windows 8

Hardware recomendado:
Pentium 4 o más reciente procesador compatible con SSE2
512 MB de RAM
200 MB de espacio en disco duro
*¿Qué hay de nuevo?
Echa un vistazo a continuación a "Novedades" y "Problemas conocidos" para esta versión de Firefox.

FIXED 32.0.1 - Stability issues for computers with multiple graphics cards
FIXED 32.0.1 - Mixed content icon may be incorrectly displayed instead of lock icon for SSL sites
FIXED 32.0.1 - WebRTC: setRemoteDescription() silently fails if no success callback is specified
NEW New HTTP cache provides improved performance including crash recovery
NEW Integration of generational garbage collection
NEW Public key pinning support enabled
NEW View historical use information for logins stored in password manager
NEW Display the number of found items in the find toolbar
NEW Easier back, forward, reload, and bookmarking through the context menu
NEW Lower Sorbian [dsb] locale added
CHANGED Removed and turned off trust bit for some 1024-bit root certificates
CHANGED Removed and turned off trust bit for some 1024-bit root certificates
CHANGED Performance improvements to Password Manager and Add-on Manager
HTML5 drawFocusIfNeeded enabled by default
HTML5 ECMAScript 6 built-in method Array#copyWithin implemented
HTML5 CSS position:sticky enabled by default
HTML5 mix-blend-mode enabled by default
HTML5 New Array built-in: Array.from()
HTML5 navigator.languages property and languagechange event implemented
HTML5 Vibration API updated to latest W3C spec
HTML5 CSS box-decoration-break replaces -moz-background-inline-policy
HTML5 box-decoration-break enabled by default
DEVELOPER HiDPI support in Developer Tools UI
DEVELOPER Inspector button moved to the top left
DEVELOPER Hidden nodes displayed differently in the markup-view
DEVELOPER New Web Audio Editor
DEVELOPER Code completion and inline documentation added to Scratchpad
FIXED Various security fixes
FIXED Mac OS X: cmd-L does not open a new window when no window is available
FIXED Text Rendering Issues on Windows 7 with Platform Update KB2670838 (MSIE 10 Prerequisite) or on Windows 8.1

Problemas conocidos

UNRESOLVED Assistive technologies may cause performance issues on Windows XP

OS: Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7/ W8 / 8.1 RTM

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