Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium v2.0.3.1024
Sistemas: XP,Vista, 7, 8, 8.1
Tamaño: 18 Mb
Idioma: Español
Medicina: Incluida

Innovativo anti-malware que acaba el software malicioso que le roba dinero y su vida online
Los delincuentes cibernéticos de hoy construyen software diseñado para pasar programas antivirus sin ser detectados. Malwarebytes Anti-Malware Premium aplasta a estas amenazas con innovadoras tecnologías diseñadas para defender al mismo tiempo mantener su experiencia en línea rápido y sin problemas.

Cambios 2.0.3

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware 2.0.3 Beta is here and available for testing. Please download via the link below and install it. Over the top/upgrade installations from previous versions are fine. Please test it, use it, run it and try to break it as best you can and inform us of any problems or issues you experience.We do plan to plan to make changes to the UI in our next release due out by year’s end based on the feedback we’ve received on the 2.0 UI after 2.0.3 which will include dampening the colors and more and we will be doing user testing to make sure it’s good and that it works, however 2.0.3 is primarily a bugfix release.Here’s the list of changes which are subject to change depending on how testing goes:New Features:
• Scans may now be set to run as lower priority processes to improve multi-tasking under Advanced Settings
• Added support for keyboard navigation of user interface
• Added support for JAWS and Windows Narrator screenreaders
