Alfred 2.5 | MacOSX | 9 MB
Alfred is a keyboard-driven productivity application for Mac OS X, helping you launch apps and search your local computer as well as the web with great speed.

* Application launcher: Launch any application with a quick shortcut. Alfred will learn which apps you use often and prioritise them when you search
* Search your Mac: Quickly find and open files, bookmarks, contacts, music and more. You will never again have to wonder just where you saved that important document.
* Search the web: Search or launch your favourite websites: Maps, Amazon, eBay, Wikipedia and many more.
* Calculate and Spell: Just start typing to do a quick calculation or look up spellings, definitions or synonyms and antonyms.
* System Commands: Control your Mac with speed and efficiency. Empty trash, start the Screen Saver, restart, shut down, eject a drive and more.
* Custom Searches: Create your own web searches for frequently used websites and wikis.

WHAT'S NEW in Version 2.5:
Web and Security Improvements
- Update any references and auto update checks to operate over https
- Add option for https in default web searches, on by default
- Allow non encoded characters in custom web searches, workflow urls and remote urls. Makes adding URLs much easier and more predictable.
- Don't escape @ to %40 when URL encoding a mailto from email command and contacts viewer
- Update google icons to new style and add specific icons for google maps and translate

Workflow Improvements
- Make Title (keyword input) and Placeholder Title (script / file filter inputs) required workflow input fields to prevent confusion
- Modify behaviour on direct queries to make sure placeholder text is correctly shown when the argument is specified as required
- For fixed inputs (from hotkeys / external triggers / remote), correctly respect 'required argument' when arg is empty (i.e. don't action)
- Change workflow input filter behaviour to prevent unnecessary script execution if argument hasn't changed. Also update trimming behaviour on direct input to match default input
- Reorganise Alfred's main window for fixed inputs (hotkeys / external triggers / remote) and initially process input to show results or placeholder text
- Update the workflow examples to have 256px icons for future proofing
- Add icons to iTunes commands (e.g. play, random), also show these icons in workflow config
- Searching for workflows in Preferences fails to find word after '(' or '{' or '['
- Fix refresh issue when using a direct input where results weren't cleaned out properly if Alfred was already visible

General Improvements and Bug Fixes
- Update resource icons to 256px for future proofing (e.g. Alfred Remote)
- Increase saved icons (workflows, web searches etc) to 256px for future proofing
- Modify caching policies for any internal URL requests to ignore the OS X URL caching
- Fix small memory leak in Alfred Preferences script action sheet (Doesn't affect Alfred core)
- Prevent irrelevant results with "Quick Search" disabled and pressing space
- Prevent flicker in Alfred's UI when disassociating a uniquely selected result (e.g. google web search) when deleting backwards on the search field
- Change 'less' to 'fewer' in file search preferences help subtext
- Improve help subtext for File Search > Inside Files
- Fix Alfred main window subtext y position and incorrect crop in file actions browser
- Tidy up Alfred debug log
- Fix IMDB non english locale searches with a diacritic string
- Sort the fallback searches from the [+] button to make it easier to find the fallback you want
- Update method for OS X version checking removing deprecated Gestalt call
- Add additional help buttons in Workflows and Appearance preferences
- Start Improving help documentation
- Update build tools to Xcode 6

Requirements - Mac OS X 10.7 or later
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